I Love LifeWave X39!
I'm Danna Barnes, Owner of Chateau de Beaute' and Garden Path Medicinals. LifeWave has changed my life and it can change yours too!

2 Minute Quick Look
Why I Love LifeWave
I believe David Schmidt, Founder & Inventor, is Divinely guided.
I believe light and frequencies are the healing modalities for the future.
I have seen the health miracles from the X39 patented light technology and I know it works.
I am convinced this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
More groundbreaking patented technology is coming for people and planet.

Start Now
Save $50 or more a month on X39 with your own wholesale account. Select an Enrollment Pack to get started. You then have the freedom to order what you want, when you want, with no obligation.If you would like to take advantage of the income opportunity, our team will help you!